Sunday, February 28, 2010

How real TV is to me?

To me, TV can seem real in many ways. There can be a time where you're so into a show, that you feel like your apart of it. Also when you see certain reality shows, they can make you think about your own life and how you can better yourself in the future. For example, theres this new show called the buried life. Sadly i've only seen two episodes so far since my cable got cut off but anyways. The show is these four guys that try to accomplish 100 goals because they want there life to seem like it has purpose. So for everything to on there list, they help a stranger on reaching their goal in life. There was this one episode where this girl lost her mother to Huricane Katrina. So the guys decided to locate the girl's mother's burial site and take her to say her final goodbye. After seeing that episode made shed some tears. That show demostrates how some shows can be on TV, but can have a possitive effect on someones life.

But there are other reality shows that can be fake as in being not realistic. Like the show Flavor of Love. The show was about the old school rapper Flavor Flav from the Hip Hop duo Public Enemy, who was looking for love. There were three seasons to this show, that told me that this show is just for entertainment and not for true love. Because at the end he ends up with none of the girls he dated on the show or who even won the show. He ends up with one of his baby mama's and knew that he should been with her from the begining.


  1. flavor of love was the best show when New York was on it

  2. do you know something i love what you said decause i know many youths of today have gone theb wrong way . and i know that show will go a long way to enrich their lives

  3. What's unrealistic about FlavA of Love?

  4. I like the Buried Life because of how they go about helping other people with their personal goals as well as their own.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Flav show was the best All 3 seasons...u was tho sometimes u watchin a great show and u actually feel that your in the movie or show.

  7. i love the show The Buried Life.
    i like this show because it gives people hope in what they want to do before they die. Also how you can accomplish anything.
